25 Aug 2022

Media releases

Emergency humanitarian relief program delivers food packages to displaced Afghans

Families impacted by the growing crisis in Afghanistan are receiving emergency relief, thanks to a new humanitarian relief program from Australian refugee support agency Settlement Services International (SSI), in partnership with the Asia Pacific Network of Refugees (APNOR).

The program is responding to the needs of displaced Afghan families who have been impacted by the worsening crisis in Afghanistan through critical emergency relief, including food packages and essential non-food items for women and girls.

General Manager Clients, Partnerships & Business Growth, Sonia Vignjevic, said while SSI delivers services to refugees based onshore in Australia, it has a commitment to supporting refugees and advancing human rights at a global level.

“SSI has worked collaboratively with APNOR since its establishment to help strengthen the capacity of refugee-led responses in Asia and the Pacific region,” she said.

“We want to lead by example, exchange good practices and play a role in implementing the Global Compact on Refugees.”

The emergency relief program has supported the employment of a local team in Afghanistan and delivered critical food packages to 350 households in need.

APNOR is largely supported by volunteers in Afghanistan, who are themselves impacted by the conflict but still supporting local communities.

APNOR co-founder, Najeeba Wazefadost, fled Afghanistan at age 10, arriving in Australia in 2000, and said that the situation on the ground in Afghanistan continues to be critical.

“The population is facing devastating conditions, some of which result from natural disasters, but a lot resulting from Taliban rule.

“By providing emergency relief packages, we aim to meet immediate needs, but more importantly, to restore hope and confidence in people so they can still dream for a peaceful future in Afghanistan.”

Media enquiries: 

SSI Senior Communications Officer Rebeka Selmeczki; 0468 998 300 rselmeczki@ssi.org.au

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