08 Dec 2023

Media releases

Raft of reforms to strengthen inclusion and support for people with disability

Reforms to the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) announced in a major review today are designed to strengthen the inclusion of all people with disability and make it simpler and easier people with disability to navigate mainstream services and the NDIS system, according to non-profit organisation SSI.

The independent NDIS Review report made a raft of reform recommendations, including strengthening and widening the availability of support for people with disability in navigating the NDIS, while also introducing specialist ‘navigators’ for people with more complex needs or those from different communities.

SSI General Manager Service Delivery, Community Stephen O’Neill said under current arrangements, finding the right supports can be complex, costly and time consuming for people with disability.

“We welcome the proposed introduction of navigation support that would facilitate choice, enable inclusion, and ensure all people with disability can meet their goals. It is particularly heartening to see the emphasis on this navigation support being delivered locally by people who have genuine connections, knowledge and links to local services,” he said.

“As a whole, this review takes into account the voices of thousands of people with disability and provides a roadmap for creating a stronger and more localised ecosystem of support for people with disability within and outside of the NDIS.”
Mr O’Neill said that as a provider of Local Area Coordination within the existing Scheme, SSI particularly welcomed the recommendation to improve the connection between mainstream services and the NDIS.

“This review sets out a clear vision for more consistent pathways for people with disability to access support, with a role for mainstream services, as well as navigators at the local level,” he said.

“It is encouraging to see additional consideration for the intersectional needs of First Nations, culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) and LGBTIQA+ people with disability.

“We particularly welcome the recommendation that all Australian governments should improve responsiveness of services to culturally diverse communities through building the capacity of government agencies and service providers.”
Mr O’Neill said SSI endorsed the review’s recommendations of taking a staged, sequenced and coordinated approach to the implementation of the changes over the next five years.

SSI delivers the Local Area Coordination (LAC) services for the NDIS in two areas in NSW: South-West Sydney and Sydney.

Media enquiries:

Hannah Gartrell, Head of Executive Communications and Media

M: 0423 965 956 E: hgartrell@ssi.org.au

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