09 Nov 2017

Media releases

Resource showcasing innovative service delivery model launches

Formed in 2015, the NSP is a wide-reaching consortium led by community-based not-forprofit Settlement Services International, which includes 22 other organistions, ranging from migrant resource centers, to generalist neighbourhood centres and ethno-specific organisations.

SSI Settlement Services Manager, Loukia Zinopoulos, said that this diversity allowed the NSP to build on good practice, to reach further and do more.

“We can also deliver services in a more nuanced way. Our partners’ grassroots service delivery supported by SSI a solid combination,” she said.

“SSI’s statewide perspective combined with partners in-depth practice knowledge allows us to identify opportunities for innovation and collaboration.”

Since the NSP began, through collaboration and cross-pollination, partners have achieved significant outcomes. There has been a renewed focus on delivering services and activities that foster the three Es — employment, English language and education.

“Our NSP partners are all experts in their fields. They deliver quality, innovative services at a local level that are informed by their extensive commitment and experience in supporting migrant and refugee settlement. ” Ms Zinopoulos said.

Media enquiries:

SSI Communications Coordinator Rebeka Selmeczki; 0468 998 300
SSI Communications Coordinator Hannah Gartrell; 0488 680 287

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