27 Jun 2022

Media releases

SSI welcomes NSW Government focus on women in budget

Settlement Services International (SSI) has welcomed the NSW Government’s strong focus on women in this year’s budget, paving the way for more women to forge a strong economic future and prioritise their wellbeing.

The government has released its first Women’s Opportunity Statement, which will now become a feature of every future budget.

SSI CEO Violet Roumeliotis applauded the vision put forward by the government for NSW to be the best place in Australia for women to live, work and raise a family.

“I welcome the government’s $16.5 billion investment over 10 years to boost women’s opportunities as well as child development,” Ms Roumeliotis said.

“A commitment to provide wrap-around support for women leaving domestic violence and the creation of a Women’s Safety Commissioner is also to be applauded.”

Ms Roumeliotis said the Minister for Women, Bronnie Taylor, was to be congratulated for consulting widely in preparing the Women’s Opportunity Statement and for strongly advocating for women within the government.

“I thank her for establishing the Expert Reference Panel chaired by Sam Mostyn AO, who is a fearless campaigner for women’s rights.

“SSI has been actively engaged in the Women’s Economic Opportunities Review established by Minster Taylor and, as a member of the Women’s Economic Opportunities Council, I’d like to sincerely thank my fellow members for their passion and continued advocacy for women.”

Ms Roumeliotis encouraged people to read the Women’s Opportunity Statement and to look through the range of resources and toolkits provided on the Women NSW website. They covered topics including returning to work, women’s finances and women on boards.

SSI remains committed and ready to assist the government in planning and implementing its reforms and, in particular, helping to tailor services for migrant and refugee women.

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