01 Aug 2014


Asylum seekers get together at Eid feast

Music also features at the fortnightly Community Kitchen events, so guests were entertained by a male violinist, followed by a female singer. “It’s such a great space for clients to share their talents,” says SSI Case Manager Marcela Hart.

SSI volunteers served the long line of clients a Middle Eastern feast provided by Australian Relief Organisation (ARO), which was topped off by dessert shopped for and prepared by Sajeda, an SSI client from the Rohingya community, an Islamic ethnic group from Myanmar. And at the end of the celebration, guests took home grocery hampers delivered by Hillsong and Life Links.

Just as food unites people, the CEO of ARO, Cihan Tuman, is pleased that the Community Kitchen regularly brings different humanitarian organisations together to help people. “We are a young charity; it’s only been a year so far,” he said, speaking about the aid they’re providing overseas, digging wells and delivering relief to natural disaster zones. “We want to do some local stuff, so we checked to see if there was anything we could do to assist SSI.”

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