19 Mar 2020


Despite physical distancing, social connection must remain strong

We’re writing to let you know that, as a community-led organisation, SSI will continue to work hard to find ways to support community members and ensure that, despite physical distancing, social connection remains strong.

Our thoughts are with our clients, communities and staff as we negotiate these rapidly changing and challenging times.

As we face empty supermarket shelves, fighting over rations, and general uncertainty, we must hold on to our compassion, care and sense of community.

As government, business and community efforts ramp up to reduce the impact of COVID-19, SSI’s number one priority is to protect the health and wellbeing of our clients, communities and staff.

Following Australian Department of Heath recommendations, SSI has implemented steps for the safety of staff and visitors, while continuing to support our clients.

While none of us knows how this will evolve over the next few weeks, we want you to know that SSI is:

  • encouraging staff to practise good hygiene and social distancing
  • ensuring that any staff experiencing cold or flu-like symptoms are staying home
  • encouraging staff to work from home where possible, providing client service over the telephone and via email
  • requesting the use of video/teleconferencing where possible
  • postponing all SSI-led events until further notice
  • continuing contingency planning with all programs and services

We will continue to monitor advice and reports from the Australian government and state authorities, and communicate any changes to our services with our staff, clients and stakeholders.

This is a challenging and uncertain time for us all. Everyone has a role to play in minimising the impact and spread of COVID-19. By acting together in a measured and caring way we all can contribute to the safety of ourselves, each other and our clients.

Now, more than ever, we must show care and compassion, and avoid the urge to put our needs above those of others.

In such times of crisis we must take care of ourselves both physically and mentally, be kind to one another and stay connected.

Anyone with concerns or questions should contact SSI here

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