22 Oct 2019


From the CEO: Help new arrivals realise their full potential

Performers from the 2018 Mosaic Gala

I felt it was such an injustice that someone would not have the opportunity to realise their full potential simply because they didn’t speak English or their overseas experience wasn’t recognised here.

These were intelligent, hard-working people who could have contributed greatly to our country. And yet they were languishing in situations where there was an underutilisation of their skills and no hope for a brighter future.

I firmly believe every person should have the opportunity to realise their full potential – whatever those dreams and desires may be. It’s why SSI has made it our mission to help refugees and other individuals achieve independence. Next month, we are hosting our annual Mosaic Gala, and I’d like to invite you to join us to support initiatives that help refugees on the pathway to independence. Click here for more information.

Independence is at the heart of much of the work SSI does. Being independent means you have the strength to survive autonomously – without support from organisations like SSI.

Our vision is to achieve a society where all individuals and families can meaningfully participate socially and economically and, ultimately, reach their full potential.

If we achieve that vision, there will no longer be a need for organisations like SSI. But that future is still some distance away and, in the meantime, we need support to run self-funded initiatives like our refugee educational scholarships program and Ignite Small Business start-ups.

Along with raising funds, the SSI Mosaic Gala increases awareness of the positive contributions refugees make in our community. This is important because it challenges the narrative many of us hear about refugees from our media and political representatives.

The real story of refugees in Australia is the one you see when you walk through our neighbourhoods. You see friendships and wonderful acts of kindness and generosity between people from all walks of life.

It is something that fills my heart and reinforces the value of supporting refugee to live independent lives where they can meaningfully contribute and participate in our communities.

I hope you’ll join us at the Mosaic Gala as we walk towards that future.

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