14 May 2015


Youth Collective presents to NSW Ombudsman

SSI Youth Projects Coordinator Dor Akech Achiek.

The NSW Ombudsman’s Youth Liaison Officer’s role is to support young people’s access to NSW Ombudsman services, and to provide support, advice and assistance to young people about making a complaint. 

As SSI’s Coordinator of the Youth Collective, an initiative of SSI and NSW Migrant Resource Centres (MRCs) established as a voice for multicultural youth, Mr Akech Achiek presented on the aims of the Youth Collective, which include improving access to services for multicultural youth. 

Mr Akech Achiek was accompanied by Sonia Katoola, 20, who is one of the youth members of the Youth Collective steering committee. 

“Ms Katoola spoke about having to escape her native Iraq with her family, and the struggles they faced transiting through Turkey, as well as the difficulties of settling here in Australia since arriving almost a year ago,” Mr Akech Achiek said. 

“She also spoke about the positive impact her SSI case manager had had on her family’s settlement here, and the positive effects of getting into TAFE, where she’s studying business administration.”



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