11 Oct 2022


From the CEO: Standing in solidarity with the women of Iran

Mahsa’s death while in custody of the country’s morality police has sparked protests across Iran, as both men and women rally against a regime where a young woman can lose her life for failing to wear a hijab in public. These have fanned out to protests globally, as people around the world seek to stand in solidarity with the women of Iran.

As a social justice organisation, SSI has a deep commitment to human rights – to the right to live free from violence, oppression and discrimination. SSI stands with the women of Iran and supports their right to protest injustice and to seek to uphold their basic human rights.

Human rights are universal. They transcend race, culture and gender.

So what can we do to stand in solidarity with the women of Iran? We can educate ourselves about the situation unfolding in Iran. A great starting point is this article from Iranian journalist, Masih Alinejad. We can also use our voices – take to social media to show our support and to amplify the voices of Iranian women, including following the hashtag #Mahsa_Amini. You can also join some of the protests happening in your area.

We all have a right to live free from persecution. Those of us privileged enough to already do so have the right and responsibility to show we stand in solidarity with Mahsa, Masih and all the women of Iran in their fight for justice and equality.

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