
SSI’s Work+Stay program has a focus on right-fit employment and lifestyle solutions for newcomers considering relocation, and the right long-term workforce for employers in the regions.

SSI’s Diversi-Ready program provides training and supports to employers in the retail, hospitality and aged care industries to build their confidence and capability to recruit and retain people with disability in their workforces.

SSI provides employment facilitator services under the program to connect employers and training providers with job seekers.

Disability Employment Services supports people living with disability, injury or health conditions to participate more fully in the workforce.
About SSI Employer Services
SSI is one of the leading service providers in the employment sector. Our state and federal funded programs are designed to work in partnership with employers to help find the right candidate to fulfil business needs.
Our team will help your organisation to plan and recruit for the future. With access to quality talent, and support to build a diverse workforce and inclusive culture, we will co-design a workforce development model together.
Our 3,000 plus candidates offer a diverse range of skills and qualifications across a wide range of cultural and linguistic backgrounds, abilities, and life stages, allowing employers to embrace workplace diversity whilst providing important community support.
How we help

“Service NSW & SSI have had a successful long-standing relationship in the engagement of refugees, as part of an employment program. Service NSW is forever grateful for the quick responses, the collaboration and the support of our co-management of refugees during the recruitment process. The integrity and open communication from the SSI team is highly regarded.”
“To date, we have recruited 43 candidates through SSI. In the process, the two organisations have come to know each other well. Our SSI partners regularly came to our site and learned our requirements and onboarding processes. They continue to support our staff with translation services, with the sourcing of external training, and by assisting our employees in their navigation of a range of Australian administrative processes. It’s a great partnership that we hope will endure for a long time.”
Partner with us to connect with diverse talent
As a registered social enterprise, we work with corporate and nonprofit organisations to bring employers skilled individuals from CALD, refugee, and migrant backgrounds. Find out more by getting in touch with our team below:
Address: Level 2/45 – 47 Scott Street, Liverpool NSW 2170
Phone: 02 9600 3100 or 0481 484 111
Email: employment@ssi.org.au