About SETS program

Refugees, asylum seekers and migrants who enter Australia without strong family and community support face major hurdles in adapting to their new lives. The Settlement Engagement and Transition Support (SETS) Queensland program aims to provide such newcomers with the skills they need to engage in society, to achieve emotional wellbeing and to gain economic independence.

Delivered by SSI and operating in the Logan and Ipswich regions of Southern Queensland, the program has two streams.

Client Services aims to provide newcomers with advice, advocacy and assistance related to settlement.
Capacity Building helps new and emerging community groups and organisations support their specific communities.

How we help

We work with humanitarian entrants and family stream migrants with low English proficiency
Staff provide settlement services complementing the Humanitarian Settlement Program (HSP), including case work and help with employment and training
We also work with community groups, empowering them to help newcomers in the long term

Get in touch

For more information on the Settlement Engagement and Transition Support (SETS) Queensland program, email acsl.settlementsupport@ssi.org.au or phone 07 3412 8222.

We are located at the SSI Gateway
91 Wembley Road, Logan Central, Queensland.