About YTS program

Starting a new life in a new country is a challenge. Young refugees and vulnerable refugees, humanitarian entrants, and migrants often need extra help and support to become and stay connected in their new community. The Federal Government’s Youth Transition Support scheme is intended to help.

SSI delivers YTS services within Logan, Queensland for newcomers up to 24 years old and living in the local area.

How we help

We connect with youth from diverse backgrounds and help them connect with the community.
Staff provide educational, employment and vocational support including career counselling.
We create connection through sports and recreational activities, such as sports tournaments.

Download YTS flyer

Youth Transitions Support (YTS) flyer
Youth Transitions Support (YTS) flyer

Get in touch

If you would like to know more information about the Youth Transitions Support program in Queensland, you can contact the team at:

E: acsl.settlementsupport@ssi.org.au

P: (07) 3412 8222