About Supporting U
Female leaders from within culturally and linguistically diverse communities represent a powerful tool for change. SSI’s Supporting U program is designed to leverage the strengths of women leaders within Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) communities.
Under the program, female leaders are trained to act as social responders to drive change and address issues of Domestic and Family Violence (DFV). Sharing their experiences with other leaders, they are trained people of influence who listen to victim-survivors, prioritise their safety and refer them to appropriate services.
How we help

“I’d like to support the elders and priests within my community to gain information and contacts to use in assisting the families who are suffering from domestic and family violence” – Supporting U leader
In My Voice
The Supporting U Project has been successful and far-reaching – creating a network of connected and empowered social responders who will support their communities into the future. To ensure the valuable insights and stories of Supporting U leaders were captured and shared, a series of vignettes were created, called In My Voice.
This project was funded under the COVID-19 Domestic and Family Violence Grant by Women NSW.
Get in touch
If you would like more information about this project please contact Juliana Nkrumah AM, Project Manager — Domestic & Family Violence:
Address: 2/158 Liverpool Rd, Ashfield NSW 2131
P: 0488 680 268