
09 Sep 2022

Untapped Potential: The economic participation of migrant and refugee women

This report shines a light on actions needed to unlock the economic potential of migrant and refugee women in Australia.

The ‘Untapped Potential’ research, commissioned by SSI and carried out by NATSEM, analyses trends and disparities in the economic participation of migrant and refugee women in Australia. The report is accompanied by a policy brief, “Unlocking potential’, that shines a light on actions needed to unlock the economic potential of migrant and refugee women.

The research highlights how migrant women from low- and middle-income countries and refugee women have greater or similar levels of education to women born in Australia yet are more likely to be employed in roles below their education and experience. Many of these women have sought-after skills and experience in industries facing critical shortages, such as the health and social sectors. A more tailored and targeted policy response is needed at Federal and State/Territory levels to unlock the economic potential of migrant and refugee women.

Download reports

Untapped potential Report
Untapped potential Report
Unlocking Potential policy brief
Unlocking Potential policy brief