23 Mar 2017


SSI staff and innovation recognised at national award ceremony

Adam Bujairami, who won ‘Case Worker of Year’
and SSI Manager Business & Community Development Joseph Ferrer.

In front of an audience of 400 people, SSI case manager Adam Bujairami accepted the Case Worker of the Year award, which acknowledges the outstanding work of an individual who performs beyond expectations in the settlement of newly arrived refugees or migrants.

Mr Bujairami arrived in Australia in 2011 as a refugee and has been employed at SSI since 2012, where he is a key part of the team that oversees refugees upon their immediate arrival to Australia.

Up to five times a day, Mr Bujairami and his team of case managers head to the airport to meet new arrivals, who they support during their first few months in Australia, providing them with essential case management, and access to Medicare, schools and English classes. This early support is critical in helping new arrivals to feel at home in Australia and take the first steps towards independence.

Later in the evening SSI’s leadership and excellence in its employment services were acknowledged with the Settlement Innovation award in recognition of the innovative approach used in supporting refugees, migrants and members of the community in finding employment.

SSI Employment and Enterprises provides employment support to newly arrived refugees and asylum seekers living in the community. It also offers the possibility to undertake work experience in one of its social enterprises, where job seekers can learn new skills in a retail environment.

Further, SSI has developed the Ignite Small Business Start-ups initiative, which helps entrepreneurs of refugee and asylum seeker background to set up their own small businesses or expand an existing one.

The nomination also included SSI’s partnership with Allianz, which has so far placed seven cadets in full-time employment with the insurance company, and has committed to offering permanent career placements for up to 20 cadets who came to Australia as refugees.

“This award is testament to the initiatives that SSI has put in place to support migrants and refugees, who we know, have the resilience and passion to fulfil their hopes and dreams for their new lives here in Australia,” SSI CEO Violet Roumeliotis said.

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