At SSI, we are committed to providing inclusive, culturally responsive disability services that support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.
We’re actively engaging with First Nations people to ensure they receive the services and supports they need. From a history of working closely with First Nations communities in programs such as Ability Links, to a firm commitment to reconciliation (which currently involves a detailed review and expansion of our 2022 Reconciliation Action Plan), to a dedicated team of Aboriginal NDIS local area coordinators (LACs).
Building stronger communities through local area coordination
Our local area coordination program links people with disability to the right supports and services. A key aspect of this effort is community-based connection desks, which have been established in the communities we serve, including one held twice a month in Bowral. It is specially tailored to First Nations people in the Wingecarribee Council area and provides an accessible, welcoming space where community members can have their questions about the NDIS answered.
Community connection proves key to success
Kerin and Kylie, two of our Aboriginal local area coordinators, attend this connection desk, sharing yarns and their expertise of the scheme with prospective and current participants. Their work helps connect members of the community to vital supports, including peer networks and healthcare services. They also help build capacity for people to navigate the NDIS with confidence, clearing up doubts about the scheme.
Aunty Robin Young, a representative of Bowral Community Mental Health Services praised Kerin and Kylie for their dedication, cultural sensitivity, and enthusiasm.
“The health and wellbeing of those regularly cared for by the girls has greatly improved,” said Aunty Robin. She highlights the importance of following six common values that encompass the First Nations experience:
- Spirit and integrity
- Reciprocity (sharing)
- Respect
- Equality
- Survival and protection
- Responsibility
Kerin and Kylie uphold these values in their work, ensuring that each person’s unique needs are addressed, even when they share the same diagnosis or disability.
This personalisation of care is what Aunty Robin feels has made such a difference.
“Members of the community have developed the skills, knowledge, and broader strategies to improve their health,” she said.
NDIS enquiries handled with care
For those who prefer not to attend in-person events, SSI also offers phone consultations with our Aboriginal LACs. These calls can be life-changing for people who feel less comfortable attending in-person events, or have quick questions that don’t need a face-to-face discussion.
“[This service] has benefitted the communities greatly with their emotional wellbeing and their engagement with the health service,” said Aunty Robin.
Tailored disability services for First Nations communities
It’s clear that disability services must go beyond major metropolitan areas to reach rural and remote communities. Also, these services must be carefully tailored to the unique needs of minority groups, especially those at risk of neglect and abuse, such as First Nations people.
SSI’s Aboriginal LACs continue to build strong partnerships with local organisations, networks and groups to deliver personalised, culturally sensitive support that is not only knowledgeable, but approachable. We’re committed to ensuring that every individual, regardless of their background or location, has access to the support they need.
Learn more about SSI’s disability services
Learn about SSI’s range of disability services on our website. You can contact your local area coordination team at:
Phone: 1800 960 975
Email: ssilac@ndis.gov.au

In March, SSI took another step toward creating a more inclusive workplace by starting a disability reference group. This group is designed to make sure that people with disabilities can share their experiences and help shape workplace policies. Operating under the community development branch of SSI’s local area coordination services, the group focuses on building trust and connecting with hard-to-reach communities.
The main goal of the group is to address the specific challenges faced by people with disabilities, especially those from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) backgrounds. These individuals often face multiple barriers when trying to get support and navigate different systems.
Enhancing accessibility in the workplace
A key member of the reference group is Nidhi Shekaran, who was born in India and lives with cerebral palsy and vision impairment. Nidhi is passionate about advocating for positive changes that benefit others like her. One of her priorities is to tackle transportation issues that many people with disabilities experience. She supports flexible work options, including effective work-from-home arrangements and necessary adjustments for employees who need to travel.
“The changes that we implement now will always be there,” said Nidhi.
“What we do is very future-focused.”
With the help of her fellow group members, Nidhi is working to make workplace documents and materials more accessible. She understands that many formats are not easy for people with vision impairments to use.
“If the experience of a person with disability is valued, then they themselves feel valued,” she said.
Nidhi believes that while inclusive recruitment is important, it’s just one part of the solution. It’s equally vital to ensure that everyone feels truly included and supported at work.
Fostering cultural exchange and collaboration
Nidhi’s involvement in SSI’s reference group shows her commitment to community engagement. Since 2005, she has participated in the Multicultural Disability Advocacy Association’s Community Voices initiative and was nominated for Blind Australian of the Year in 2023.
The reference group’s focus on CALD communities provides a valuable space for cultural exchange.
“You learn from each other, and you have a good relationship with everyone because you have a collective goal,” Nidhi said.
Nidhi hopes that initiatives like the disability reference group will lead to significant outcomes driven by people with disability themselves.
“It comes back to the mantra of ‘nothing about us, without us’,” she said.
Challenging stereotypes and building awareness
Together, Nidhi, the reference group, and SSI aim to challenge stereotypes around culture and disability. By increasing awareness of the barriers faced by CALD people with disabilities, the disability reference group aims to develop effective strategies to overcome these challenges.
The reference group will meet every six weeks until June 2025, and its members are excited about the changes they can create over the next year.
Learn about SSI’s range of disability services on our website. You can contact our local area coordination team at:
Phone: 1800 960 975
Email: ssilac@ndis.gov.au
SSI was one of the first NGOs in Australia to achieve Disability Confident Recruiter status through Australian Disability Network. Read more about SSI’s commitments to diversity and inclusion.

Alana Beattie, a 38-year-old woman living in the Campbelltown area of Sydney, has made remarkable progress in her personal life over the past six years with the help of her local area coordinator (LAC).
Before local area coordination support
Alana’s condition, a rare genetic disorder known as pseudohypoparathyroidism, means that her mobility is severely affected, as her muscles tend to become stiff and cramp up. General movement, and interactions with public transport above all, can become complicated and dangerous, should her balance be compromised.
“I need supervision when I travel due to my condition,” Alana said. She mentions that this need for assistance is compounded by her obstructive sleep apnea, which can lead to health risks if she falls asleep in uncomfortable positions.
Alana’s supervision needs were exacerbated when she found herself in an emergency housing situation and in desperate need of a more stable option. For several years, Alana was informally supported by her parents, both in terms of accommodation and decision-making. When those supports broke down earlier this year, Alana was quickly left fearing for her living situation and running out of options.
Getting help from an SSI local area coordinator
With the help of her LAC, she was able to move into a short-term accommodation and assistance (STA) option, and after gathering enough evidence to meet the requirements, was finally approved to progress to supported independent living (SIL) accommodation in June.
“I was feeling really anxious because my housing situation was uncertain,” says Alana.
“But I was excited to finally make the move [to SIL] so that I could be around other people and make new friends.”
The social aspect of her accommodation is a crucial reason why Alana feels so grateful for her relationship with her LAC.
“I’m in a really good position to move forward and begin healing,” she said.
The steadiness of SIL accommodation allows Alana to focus on her hobbies, which includes maintaining several fulfilling pen pal relationships with friends overseas. She’s also an avid West Tigers fan and enjoys travelling with her ‘girls group’ when she can.
Without the support of an SSI local area coordinator on behalf of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), it’s possible that Alana would never have been able to secure her current living arrangement and live life as comfortably and meaningfully as she can now.
Alana sees a bright future for herself and is already setting new goals with her LAC.
“I want to keep healthy and motivated,” she said, indicating that continuing to participate in her wellness program will be the key to staying on top of her condition.
With all the recent changes going on in her life, Alana also wants to learn to be more adaptable. With the personalised sense of care and guidance an LAC can offer, Alana will no doubt be able to surmount any obstacle and celebrate every accomplishment that comes her way.
Learn about SSI’s range of disability services on our website. You can contact our local area coordination team at:
Phone: 1800 960 975
Email: ssilac@ndis.gov.au
As an NDIS Partner in the Community, Disability Employment Service provider and Equal Opportunity Employer, SSI recognises the importance of reflecting on our practices to positively impact the lives and experiences of people with disability.
Acknowledging the value of lived experience, we knew that the voices of people with disability needed to be integral to the planning of our disability employment symposium in mid-February. At the helm was Michelle Brown, an ally of SSI local area coordination and a facilitator of SSI’s Ignite program.

The event involved discussions on enhancing the economic participation of individuals with disabilities. Attendees, including government representatives, service providers, and advocacy groups, collaborated to identify effective strategies for recruiting and retaining individuals with disabilities in the workforce.
The working group provided invaluable feedback on key aspects of the symposium, including making the auditorium more accessible, encouraging presenters to provide visual descriptions of themselves for attendees with impaired vision, and even the running order of the day.
“To showcase the experiences of what people with disability go through in terms of employment, we brought [the lived experience panel] to be first… I think that really shaped the day in terms of how things were run,” said Michelle.
Michelle’s desire to amplify the concerns and stories of those with lived experience comes from a personal place.
“I have worked for organisations that weren’t flexible around my needs,” she said, shedding light on the barriers people with disabilities face right from the recruitment stage.
“The advertisements [for most jobs] say you need your licence… I don’t drive so that’s been a big issue in trying to find a job.”
The conversations at the symposium also emphasised that people with disability seeking self-employment should also not be left out of the picture. This was an important message for Michelle, whose role sees her mentoring people with disability to explore and pursue self-employment through entrepreneurship.
“[The symposium] highlighted for me the need for such a program as Ignite,” she said .
“No-one really considers that someone [with a disability] could actually run their own business, so I feel it’s a very valuable program.”
Whilst the symposium highlighted pathways for many critical conversations to be converted into actions, Michelle acknowledges that there is still much work to be done to promote inclusivity in the workplace.
“It’s just the beginning,” clarifies Michelle, who emphasises the need for greater education and awareness surrounding the experiences of people with disabilities.
“In a way, [it] filters down to perhaps why there isn’t change.”
The symposium’s working group underscores SSI’s commitment to advancing the role of people with disabilities in the organisation.
“That’s another way that SSI has been successful; providing opportunities for people,” Michelle said.
“I was proud that the working group made a significant difference on that day, and I also thought it was really great that we were acknowledged in terms of the work we did.”
Through initiatives like the symposium and dedicated programs, SSI is committed to fostering the needs and hopes of people with disability to help make workplaces stronger, and more inclusive.
For more information SSI’s disability services, visit our webpage. You can contact our Local Area Coordination team via the following methods:
Phone: 1800 960 975
Email: ssilac@ndis.gov.au
Reforms to the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) announced in a major review today are designed to strengthen the inclusion of all people with disability and make it simpler and easier people with disability to navigate mainstream services and the NDIS system, according to non-profit organisation SSI.
(more…)Peter’s life took a turn in 2022 after being diagnosed with Retinitis Pigmentosa, a rare degenerative eye disease that causes severe vision impairment.

As his condition progressed, the 39-year-old realised he could no longer maintain his employment or drive his car. He became withdrawn from regular activities and spent most of his time alone.
“Peter used to work full-time, drove everywhere, enjoyed cycling and surfing and lived a pretty good life,” said Beverley Sutton (Bev), Peter’s Local Area Coordinator from SSI.
Bev has been working alongside Peter to support him in achieving his NDIS goals. The new diagnosis meant that Peter, who was already an NDIS participant since 2020, had to reassess his NDIS plan to meet his new support needs. Peter and Bev also had to consider new ways for Peter to navigate and participate in his community and explore new social activities.
“Bev has encouraged me to try so many things like being proactive and visiting Vision Australia, helping me know what questions to ask and the support I need; I now have some great glasses and my cane,” said Peter.
“Using public transport with my cane was a huge step, and it took a while.”
“Using my phone more with different apps.”
Peter’s meeting with Bev at the SSI LAC Liverpool office was a significant accomplishment. This was the longest distance Peter had ever travelled since his diagnosis.
“Peter caught a bus from his home, which dropped him off about a hundred meters from the office. Peter then used this phone to navigate to the SSI Office, the app on his phone would tell him the numbers of addresses until he reached the right one,” said Bev.
Bev and Peter have focused on more than just his immediate support needs. The two have used a whole-person approach to identify additional support needs and seek these supports within the community.
“[Bev has] connected me with a local psychologist that is easy to get to,” Peter said.
“Bev has a knack for getting so much out of me from a phone call; I think I’m masking my depression, but she sees through it; she reads my tone.”
“[Bev] let me know of activities in my local area, including bingo at my local club where I could meet new people; This is part of my life now”.
Through his resilience and support from Bev, Peter is now an active participant in the community. He has more confidence in expressing his choice and control, whether it is at a café or when arranging his NDIS services.
“More on Bingo, I go every Monday; I have a budget and have built my confidence to get a drink and a small meal at the café in the club. Bev encouraged me to ask more of the staff as they are there to help me – it has made a big difference; I could probably be called a regular now; I am very shy, but I have three people I say ‘Hi’ to and talk to briefly at Bingo; Their smiles help me when I am feeling down”.
As part of the support Peter receives from the SSI LAC Program, he contacts Bev once a month, and Bev does regular check-ins at other times.
Peter said, “I sometimes Pester Bev for advice, and she is the only one I can rely on and get support.
“Bev can be blunt and to the point when I need a push. She talks to me with respect and a caring nature”.
Peter’s NDIS plan includes support to assist him when completing his daily tasks can be more difficult. Expressing his needs is a crucial part of getting the proper support. With time and support, Peter gains confidence and understanding of his rights, choice, and control.
“Some providers haven’t been reliable in the past, and Bev has encouraged me to contact others to support me; I have a little more confidence in asking for what I need and want, not accepting bad service”.
When asked what’s next for him, Peter said, “I am more confident in walking to my local shops and have a timetable of activities on my fridge; I enjoy bus and train trips.”
“[Bev] is encouraging me to travel to Macarthur Square in Campbelltown – after I learnt how to get to Casula Mall; One step at a time”.
The SSI LAC Program is designed to support you along your NDIS Journey, giving you the knowledge and confidence to access services that potentially have positive life-changing impacts.
SSI is partnered with the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) to deliver LAC services in NSW. The services provide a person-centred approach to support people with disability, their families, and their carers to pursue their goals, exercise choice and control, and connect with the community.
For more information, visit our webpage or call 1800 960 975 to speak with the SSI LAC Intake Team.
From a very young age, Charlie* has had a passion for cars, and now, with the support of his mum and SSI Local Area Coordinator (LAC), he is pursuing his dream of further education and employment as an apprentice mechanic.

“I have worked with cars since I could talk; I have a really big passion for cars,” said Charlie, an 18-year-old man who lives with autism.
During his final years of high school, Charlie accessed the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) with the support of the SSI Local Area Coordination (LAC) Program and his LAC, Allyson Drever.
They discussed Charlie’s goals during the planning meeting, which included passing his driving test. The approved NDIS plan included funding for Charlie to participate in specialised driving lessons to help him gain the necessary skills and confidence to pass.
With his eyes firmly set on the goal of car ownership from a young age, Charlie had started working at a local fast-food restaurant when he was just 14. So, shortly after obtaining his provisional licence, Charlie could purchase his own car.
“If he wants something, he knows that [he] has to work for it; this is how much it’s going to cost, and he saves for it,” said Lenora, Charlie’s mum.
Lenora explains the remarkable transformation in Charlie’s driving since obtaining his provisional licence thanks to his specialised lessons. Whilst he was previously very anxious, Charlie has gained more confidence.
“Now he has all the confidence in the world to drive,” Lenora said.
“The constant experience of driving and the reassurance that he was doing the right thing, that’s what made the difference.”
Another goal in Charlie’s NDIS plan was to gain employment as a mechanic. LAC Allyson provided him with post-school options and linked him to mainstream supports to help achieve his goal. With Allyson’s help, Charlie secured an apprenticeship in the first term of Year 12.
Charlie’s life-long dream of becoming a mechanic has become a reality, and he is now thriving in his apprenticeship. He has taken the initiative to purchase his own set of tools to support him in his work and has also expanded his skills and gained new experiences through further education.
“I am also a qualified detailer and went to TAFE for it. Detailing is just as fun, and if you know what you’re doing, it’s absolutely amazing,” said Charlie.
Charlie’s journey has not been without its challenges, but he says that he uses strategies he has learned along the way.
“For example, when I was a mechanic, I learnt so much that I lost confidence in what I was doing. I had to learn to write things down and six weeks later see how much [I’d] grown,” Charlie said.

An assortment of tools that SSI LAC participant, Charlie, purchased for his apprenticeship.
Lenora expressed how the NDIS and SSI LAC program have been an immense help for Charlie, providing not only financial relief but also the stability needed for his interventions.
“It’s been fantastic; thanks to the NDIS, my son has been able to continue his therapies,” Lenora said.
“How would I find that support if it wasn’t for the NDIS?”
Lenora has been working closely with LAC Allyson to support Charlie. Having formed a strong partnership as Charlie’s supporters, Lenora recognises that she and Allyson can work together to help Charlie overcome any challenges and get the most out of his experiences.
“One new challenge to me is about finding and keeping a job. I’m very much looking forward to how we can communicate Charlie’s needs and how he can thrive in his new environment,” Lenora said.
The SSI LAC Program is designed to support you along your NDIS journey, giving you the knowledge and confidence to access services that potentially have positive life-changing impacts.
SSI is partnered with the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) to deliver LAC services in NSW. The services provide a person-centred approach to support people with disability, their families, and their carers to pursue their goals, exercise choice and control, and connect with the community.
For more information, visit our webpage or call 1800 960 975 to speak with the SSI LAC Intake Team.
*Name has been changed.
When his car broke down in remote Western Australia in April, Ivan Kelly found himself stranded thousands of kilometres from home without any phone reception. Instinctively, Ivan reached out to his SSI Local Area Coordinator, Melissa.

Departing from a shooting competition in Perth, Ivan had taken a scenic route on his way home to NSW’s Wollondilly Shire when his car broke down near the Warakurna Roadhouse, close to the Northern Territory border and nearly 800km away from Alice Springs.
The vast journey had not been daunting for Ivan, who has Inclusion Body Myositis (IBM), as he had spent most of his life as an interstate truck driver before his condition made it too difficult to climb the stairs of his truck.
“Normally, this wouldn’t have been a problem, but I couldn’t get a lift with the tow truck because of my condition, and getting transport out of there was going to be a major challenge,” he said.
Having to rely on the Roadhouse’s satellite phone, Ivan contacted his wife and his SSI Local Area Coordinator, Melissa, whom he had met just one month prior.
“It was a relief to be able to talk to someone who understood my condition,” Ivan said. “The only fear I had out there was how I was going to get home.”
Ivan is a participant of SSI’s Local Area Coordination program, a program that helps participants navigate the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) with confidence. As an LAC, Melissa works with participants, like Ivan, to create, implement, and review their NDIS plans.
Melissa and Ivan had talked about this road trip during their first planning meeting in March.
“Our focus was activating Ivan’s NDIS services when he returned from this trip. We never expected anything like this was going to happen,” Melissa said.
When Ivan called Melissa from the Warakurna Roadhouse, Ivan acknowledged that his vehicles repairs were not related to his disability support, however he wanted to arrange support worker assistance as he needed to get to Alice Springs where his vehicle was being towed to.
“I didn’t know much about the NDIS, so it was a case of contacting Melissa to see if they had any ways of getting me out because I couldn’t hitchhike or get in or out of a normal vehicle,” Ivan said.
Melissa swiftly searched for available supports.
“I was really concerned for Ivan and his wellbeing. Unfortunately, there were no support workers available due to the remote location, and the doctor and nurse were only there on certain days and times,” Melissa said.
Whilst Melissa was unable to connect Ivan with any immediate disability support options, she remained committed to helping Ivan nevertheless. The goal was to ensure that Ivan not just reached his car, but also safely made it all the way back home to Sydney.
Melissa went beyond contacting the aerodrome and Royal Flying Doctor’s Service, actively engaging with online Facebook groups and community boards in Warakurna, Alice Springs, and Yulara. She posted requests for assistance, seeking transport options for a stranded person with limited mobility.
“I got a reply from the company transporting the participants vehicle, Outback Recovery Service and they spread the word about him needing transport,” Melissa said.
Within a few hours, Melissa had helped coordinate for Ivan to comfortably be transported the 337 kilometres from Warakurna to Connellan Airport by a local Warakurna community member. With his car organised to be returned home from Alice Springs, Ivan boarded a flight and arrived safely back in Sydney.
“The support from the Roadhouse manager, the local community, and Melissa was incredible. Everyone there looked after me and made sure I was okay,” he said.
“It was a relief to be able to talk with my wife and Melissa while I was stranded out there. It took a lot of the stress out for me and my wife.”
Melissa’s relentless efforts to ensure Ivan’s safe return exemplify the core values of support and care that define the SSI Local Area Coordination program.
“I really wanted him to know that he wasn’t in this situation by himself, and that I was taking steps in the background to try and assist him as much as possible,” Melissa said.
“If the Warakurna member wasn’t available to drive Ivan, we would have kept going until we found another solution.”
SSI is partnered with the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) to deliver LAC services in NSW. As an LAC provider, SSI supports people aged 7 – 64 to access the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) and other mainstream services in the community. For more information and to find out if you’re eligible for NDIS support visit the Local Area Coordination section of our website.
When Waseemunnisa Syed was invited to an SSI organised Community Voice consultation session for Urdu speaking people, she was initially reluctant.