06 Jun 2024

Ben Fioramonte

Ben Fioramonte is an executive leader with extensive experience spearheading multi-disciplinary teams in the not for profit-sector.

Driven by a passion for social justice, Ben has worked closely with marginalised communities for much of his career to create greater access to mainstream and community supports. He has led equally passionate teams through several domains including children’s services, home care, social support, sport and recreation, emergency preparedness, media and the arts, and the Local Area Coordination Program (LAC) as part of the National Disability Insurance Scheme.

Since joining SSI in 2018, Ben has built divisions from the ground up, using his 16 years of experience in the sector to focus teams on community development, social inclusion, and co-design.

Ben holds a Bachelor of Arts (Psychology), Diploma of Project Management, Diploma in Disability Work and Diploma in Management. As the General Manager – Children, Families and Disability Support, he currently oversees SSI’s LAC Program and the Multicultural Child and Family Program.

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